
:alembic: A voting application project for mobile and web apps.

Project maintained by Monogramm Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Let’s Vote Documentation site

This directory contains the code for the Let’s Vote docs site, monogramm.github.io/letsvote.


For information about contributing, see the Contributing page.

Recruitment test

Let’s Vote is a simple app concept for dot voting used for recruitment tests. It comes with a simple generic repository for you to document and test your code.

Use the following links as reference:

Task requirements

Task stories

Please complete each task in order.

Make sure to commit every completed task to a specific branch taskX after completing the task.

Task 1

Copy this git repository on your own GitHub account.

Initialize the project source code with the selected framework or generator.

Configure .travis.yml to execute the unit tests provided by your initial project. Enable Travis-CI on your fork and ensure all tests run properly.

Task 2

As a user I want to create an election So that I can invite people to vote

Acceptance criteria

Task 3

As a user I want to create choices for an election So that I can define the different options for the election

Acceptance criteria

Task 4

As a user I want to access an election So that I can vote for the options of the election

Acceptance criteria

Task 5

As a developer I want a technical documentation So that I can build, run and test locally the application

Acceptance criteria